Welcome to the Claro Analytics Archived Release Notes! If you were looking for info about our most recent product updates, select the option at the bottom of the box to the right. Otherwise, feel free to read the below update and learn about some interesting existing Claro Analytics features!
In this release, we focused on improving the usability of location-based tokens, and added 2 new and exciting ways to group locations: Region and Timezone!
We removed the radius token since it was duplicative to have a “location” and a “radius” token to search for the same data. To find supply and demand data about a given area, you can use the location token to select a location from the drop-down menu – or type it yourself – then you can optionally choose a radius to restrict or expand the area around your location of interest.
We still recommend that you use the CBSA token for searches within the US, as the areas defined within a CBSA are more precise than a general radius around a city.
This new feature is a unique way to map supply and demand, by restricting your search to hire talent or open an office in a specific timezone(s), you can increase productivity and concentrate on potentially overlooked locales. After selecting the “Timezone” token, you will see the heat map change to add the standard definitions of the timezones. To restrict your search to a specific timezone(s), select it from the dropdown menu or click on the relevant area on the heatmap.